What's even more cool is that my fishing skill isn't very high. I was just 313 + 30 from the Kalu'ak Fishing Pole. I got the lucky drop in Sholazar Basin from a Nettlefish School node. Here are 2 screenshots of my hunter on the turtle. In the second one I'm swimming with the fishes.
So how can one get this pet. Well, El's Anglin has a neat guide on how you can increase your chances to get this mount. However, it's "easy" actually. Here's a quick checklist:
- All you have to do is fish in any Northrend school. Make sure you fish in an actual school because the mount won't drop from open water.
- Your fishing skill will lower the amount of junk you get so in theory a higher fishing skill will raise your chances to get the mount.
- While the above does raise your chance to get the mount by a tiny bit, it's actually up to the Gods of Random whether you will actually get it or not. Case in point: yours truly. Though my fishing skill is still pathetic for Northrend and I still get a large amount of junk, I just got LUCKY. So you could have 575 total fishing skill and still not get the mount after 5000 casts, while a total "noob" like me will get lucky on his first try.
Woohoo grats! I got mine yesterday! I went to the lake south of Camp Winterhoof and after one trip around, there it was! I am still in shock-I am NEVER this lucky!
Gratz to you too! Maybe Blizzard screwed up with the drop rate. Lucky for us I guess.
this is unbelievable and hilarious, is this for real? where do they got hot tubs with real sea turtles? i feel like they shot this was a scene from the Neverending Story or something
Well I was diggying around, as you diggeh. And I came across a very curious diggy. I cast my diigy and wallah ..I came across my very own DIGGEH! I was so sexcited that i romance explosion all over my own face. I quickly likced it off and looted my diggeh. So you all know..i have one face and two legs.
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