
Monday, August 10, 2009

Solo Blood Death Knight Glyphs

See also:
Solo Blood Death Knight Spec
Solo Blood Death Knight Rotation
Solo Blood Death Knight Gear

Now that we've specced our Death Knight in the Blood tree for great solo-ing power, we also need to fill in those glyph slots. Fortunately, there are some very clear-cut choices here which will make decisions a lot easier than other specs. My recommendations follow. Of course, you can choose other glyphs if it suits you. As solitary players we aren't constrained to the optimum combination as raiders are.

Major Glyphs

Glyph of Death Strike - Now that Death Strike has replaced Obliterate, this glyph is very important to ensure Death Strike's damage is on par with Obliterate.

Glyph of Dark Death - Extra damage for our main Runic Power dump is good. Blood uses Death Coil constantly so for me this glyph is a no-brainer. The free Death Coils that proc from Sudden Doom also benefit from this. In addition, Death Coil will be even more potent if you've picked Morbidity in the Unholy tree.

Glyph of Dancing Rune Weapon - I kinda like the way Dancing Rune Weapon has been changed. It's basic duration is 12 seconds and this glyph will boost that duration to 17 seconds. That's 5 extra seconds of DPS. If, for example, during those 5 seconds you are pulling 3000 DPS, that's a total of (3000 * 5) / 2 = 7500 extra damage from this glyph.

Minor Glyphs

Glyph of Horn of Winter - I like this one because sometimes I forget to cast Horn of Winter, although truth be told, you should cast this spell whenever the cooldown is up and whenever it doesn't mess up your rotation in order to generate that extra Runic Power.

Glyph of Pestilence - Increases the radius of your Pestilence, which might not seem a big deal but it can come in handy when fighting multiple mobs.

Glyph of Raise Dead - Allows you to reclaim an extra space in your backpack, which is always a good thing. Besides, these reagents are always a pain in the ass because you need to replenish them all the time. This glyph also gives you a greater incentive to use your temporary Ghoul as soon as the cooldown is up.

See also:
Solo Blood Death Knight Spec
Solo Blood Death Knight Rotation
Solo Blood Death Knight Gear


Skaut said...

For my DKs that totally solo, I like Glyph of Death Grip. I know it seems like a silly glyph to get, but I'm more of a puller type of player. Having Death Grip available almost at all times is quite nice. And having that, I leave out the talent points that reduce the cooldown on DG. But then most of my DKs are Unholy, I love my little perma-ghouls. :)
Nice reads!

Darth Solo said...

No no, it's not a bad glyph. Other people also like it, especially while leveling. The thing is, as solo players we aren't as constrained as raiders to get the "very best" glyphs. So it's all good.

Nepenthe said...

Great articles about death knights, Darth. I’m really tempted at having a go with one. But wouldn’t Glyph of Rune Tap be essential for soloing? Even more healing sounds pretty good.

Darth Solo said...

You could give Glyph of Rune Tap a try if you want but IMO it's overkill. Blood has so much self-healing that it won't make much of a difference. You really have to try a DK. Killing is so effortless...

Darth Solo said...

P.S. In fact I think I might just start another DK when I return to WoW and I'll try to level it as DW Frost this time. Just for kicks. Oh and on the Horde side.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing you dont put out 3000dps from your meele weapon. So with enough haste it might give the weapon two extra swings on 5sec, maybe around 1k a swing, so 2k extra dmg from this glyph, if you're lucky.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading more and more that Glyph of Disease might edge out GoDRW due to the fact that you don't have to reapply diseases, just pest for a disease refresh, this saves up some time on the GCD....thoughts?

Darth Solo said...

@Anon you might be perfectly right, and in fact I wouldn't be surprised at all if that's how things turn out but you have to consider the context for my build. In a raid setting I'm sure longer diseases will end up producing more overall DPS but in a solo setting it doesn't matter to me. Any non-elite mob goes down in 1 rotation or less, well within the duration of diseases. Since Dancing Rune Weapon has had its cooldown lowered to me it makes more sense to use this glyph instead of pestilence.

But then again, I'm not an Elitist Jerk so don't take my word for it :) At any rate, my pathetically undergeared DK still manages to pull huge numbers on normal mobs so I'm not worried about misplacing a talent here, a glyph there.