Just at the middle of Noblegarden it seems that most people have gotten all their eggs. Last night I went around to Azure Watch and I was surprised to notice only a handful of people hunting for eggs. This meant camping was no longer a good idea. So I just made circles around the compound and collected a ton of eggs in the process. Here's what I got (see below) after approximately 10-15 minutes. 2 full bags and I did that 2 more times. Unfortunately I still haven't completed all the achievements, as that damned
White Tuxedo Shirt won't drop. So if you still need eggs, now's the time to get them and just forget about camping them. Since there are so few people, you will find a lot more eggs while running around for them. Sometimes I even found 3-4 eggs within reach.
I can confirm this. I found the same to be true about 6 this morning in Bloodhoof Village. It seems all of the children have run off to work on their Children's Week achievements, which is perfectly fine with me. I was able to pick up all but the pet rabbit within an hour and I ate my 100 chocolates (wasn't feeling so hot after all that candy). I'm a little nervous about finding all of the needed classes for achievements by tomorrow night, but we will see. Cheers!
I finished all my Noblegarden achievements last night. This has been the easiest World Event so far. What kinda pisses me off (in a way) is that Blizzard keeps adding all these World Events all the time so if you need the achievements you can't really quit WoW for a longer period.
So far I've really enjoyed the World Events. With the new achievements, this is really the first year I've participated more than passively. However, as a person with very limited playtime, I have found that I often feel rushed to complete them along with the other tasks I try to complete daily, not because the achievements are hard, but because they are often very time consuming (i.e. require a lot of travel around the old world). I typically don’t have time to play more than 1 or 1.5 hours per day (many days I play much less or not at all), and by the time I finish the things I like to get done on a daily basis like playing the AH and a couple of dailies, extensive travel is just not what I want to spend the rest of my time doing.
I curse Blizzard every time I don’t finish a holiday since I know it will be a minimum of a year before I get another shot at it, but on the other had you have to commend Blizzard for coming up with long-term goals to work toward. At this point I’m resigned to the fact that it will likely be late 2010 before I get the meta-achievement for the holidays, and if I am to take a break from the game between now and then, it will likely be longer than that. I tend to be of the mindset that I will be more proud to sit on top of that drake if it takes me a couple years to get it than if I can run out and complete everything to earn it in a couple of days. I don’t mind waiting for the reward and because of the achievements I’m enjoying more of the story than I have in the past.
I decided I'm not even gonna try for the holiday meta-achievement. I can see what Blizzard is doing. What with the new achievement system and holiday events every 2 months or so, it really makes you play and play and play all year round. I do enjoy achievements but sometimes they are too much. I'm gonna do the ones which are reasonable, unlike, say, School of Hard Knocks. I have a particular beef with this one because as a solo player I try to stay away from PvP as much as possible.
I totally see where you're coming from. I figure mostly that they are easy free achievement points and it will be a long time before I ever finish the meta. For the record, I didn't finish the School of Hard Knocks or the Hail to the King, Baby achievements before turning my orphans in for the pets this morning. I really like Speedy the Turtle :)
I did read that I should be able to go back and finish the Noblegarden achievements since I have the items to plant the flower and put the ears on the females I missed, so I will probably wrap that up now that i am effectively finished for the year with Children's Week.
I actually managed to complete Hail to the King. It was fun. In fact I'm writing a small article on that experience as we speak.
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